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Lostwatch: Jack's on Vacation, and So Am I

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SPECIAL LOSTWATCH NOTE: Since I’m still not officially on the company clock, I’m going to keep this brief. You want detailed analysis, you’ll need to pay a special premium fee. Put a quarter in the slot on your computer, and the Internet will send it to me.

* A bit of a blah, going-nowhere episode, presumably meant to set up a “relationship” between Jack and Juliet going forward. And I’m usually a fan of the much-criticized Others-centric episodes. Points off for yet another flashback that tells us nothing we don’t already know about a long-established character. (Hands up: Who ever, before this week, really cared what Jack’s tattoos say? As opposed to “what they mean.”)

* That said, some intriguing glimpses of the Others’ lives and philosophy. That mark stenciled on the small of Juliet’s back–we’ve seen it before, right? Yes, I could look it up, but I’m on vacation. (Have I mentioned that enough already?) So I’ll let you. You don’t mind doing the work for free, do you?

* Also, now that I have the HD Tivo up and running, I realize that Lost is pretty much made to be watched in HD–the colors of fake Thailand really popped. As does each fleck of Matthew Fox’s stubble, which he somehow manages to keep to a precise length in prison.

* I did a disservice earlier when I mentioned what a weak link Alex was–I should have mentioned Karl as well. Are the Others running a secret breeding program to create a race of humans who can’t act?